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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Words of Advice-Take Care of Your Parents

Dear son, dear daughter…………
The day you find that I have become old,
Try to have some patience with me
And try to understand me

If I get dirty while eating……….
If I have some difficulty dressing………be patient!
Remember the hours that I spent teaching you these things when you were small.

If I repeat the same thing dozen times, do not interrupt me!
Listen to me!
When you were small, you kept asking me to read you the same story,
Evening after evening, until you fell asleep.
And I did it happily!

If I do not wash myself so often under the shower,
Do not reprimand and do not tell me that it is a shame.
Remember how many excuses I had to invent to make you take a bath when you were small.

By seeing my ignorance of new technologies,
Do not laugh at me but give me time to understand.

I taught you so many things………
To eat well………….
To dress well………..To behave well…
How to confront the problems of life.

If I sometimes lose memory or am not able to follow a conversation,
Give me the necessary time to recollect and if I do not get there,
Do not become a nervous and arrogant person because the most important thing for me,……….
Is to be with you and to be able to speak to you.

If I refuse to eat, do not force me!
I know very well when I am hungry and when I am not hungry.

When my poor legs will not allow me to move as before………..…

help me as in the same way as when I held your hands to teach you take your first steps

And when one day I shall say to you I do not want to live anymore……….
That I want to die,
Do not get angry………….
Because one day you will understand!

Try to understand that at certain age,
We do not really live any more
We simply survive

One day you will understand that in spite of all my errors,
I always wanted what was best for you.

You do not have to feel sad,
Unfortunate or incompetent in front of my old age and of my state.
You have to stay near me,
Try to understand what I live for.

Help me walk,
Help me to end my life with love and patience.
The only thing that I need from you is a smile and a lot of love.

I love you …
My son!
My daughter!
Your dad
Your mum.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Disciplining your children.

To be a parent, requires a lot of task. Not only is it important to meet basic needs but parents must also help to nurture right behaviour. so that children grow up to be responsible citizens.
It all begins with discipline. There are many ways in which you and your spouse can come to a compromise about dealing with discipline in your home. Use these tips to help raise your own happy, obedient child.
Do not argue before your children. At least be responsible enough to discuss contentious issues outside of your child's hearing. Any marriage has its' share of arguments but make an effort to argue in private and away from the kids. It is hurtful to the child and it also lets them know that there is a weakness in the discipline realm, which may then lead to the child getting away with more! Take care to have your arguments quietly and privately.
Sometimes it helps in dealing with a bad situation to put a name on it. Discipline problems in children occur mainly because the parents are inconsistent with parenting the child. Both parents need to sit down and agree on what the problem is at hand.
Do your kids have chores they are responsible for doing? Do you sense a deficiency in the level of respect? Do you suspect your child is being less than honest with you? All these listed issues may cause problems with how the initial behavior was addressed.
If you can figure out the problem that needs to be fixed, you will have a better chance of dealing with the discipline problem.
It is time to review options and choose the best one. Negative consequences come from negative behaviors. If your child is behaving badly, he or she needs to understand their behavior and accept the consequences. This requires approval from the two of you. Some discipline ideas could be extra chores, apology notes, grounding, loss of privileges and so on.
It is very important that the discipline administered is fitting to the degree of bad behavior. For example, if a child doesn't finish the laundry he shouldn't lose his soccer privileges forever. Don’t choose a privilege that he loves, it may be a bit harsh. The two of you need to communicate and compromise with each other to resolve problems regarding children misbehavior. That's vital (and you both must strongly support the decision. Otherwise, the child will manipulate either parent and the discipline will fall by the wayside.)
Do your best work all the time, or not at all. Being consistent with discipline means to set clear expectations for your children and then stick to them. The child should know what to expect if he or she goes out of line. The rule is to be consistent and unwavering. This way the child will learn that there are always consequences for inappropriate behavior.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

How To Find The Perfect Baby Gift

Does the perfect baby gift really exist? There are so many choices, that when trying to make up your mind as to what to buy, it can become overwhelming. Here is a list of the types of gifts and what you can give from each of the categories.

1. Memorable: Almost any gift can be memorable, especially if a baby becomes attached to it. You've seen the baby that won't let go of that special blanket or stuffed toy. This is the ultimate acceptance of whatever you may give.
2. Unique: When you personalize a gift it becomes not only unique but memorable as well. Parents love to see their baby's name or initials on a blanket, bracelet, clothing, wall ornament, or piece of furniture. You can never go wrong by personalizing.
3. Practical: Choosing gifts like diapers, blankets, burp cloths, bibs, creams and lotions, and other necessities are always welcomed and appreciated. You can never have too many!
4. Educational: In this competitive world in which we live, every parent wants their baby to have the most up to date educational toy or product on the market. These help with teaching hand-eye coordination, shapes, colors, sounds, letters, numbers, etc. This category is a favorite of parents and these gifts most likely will be passed on to future children.
5. Classic: Baby blankets, Teddy bears, rocking chairs, stools and anything sterling, always seem to stand the test of time. If you go to, there you will find an excellent selection of examples given in this article.

So there you have it. The choice is yours. There isn't just one perfect baby gift, but many. You choose the one that is just right for you and that cute little bundle of joy. Pick any or all of the categories and just have fun doing it!

Children : Discover Reading

The beginning of elementary school for toddlers usually means to learn how to read. In order to be successful in this difficult but necessary task, children must have and use many aptitudes. For instance, children learn that words are made of phonemes, the smallest linguistically distinctive unit of sound, must have an excellent understanding of literature and be well-versed with various materials such as books. Recent studies have shown that both parents and educators can encourage children develop those skills from early childhood.

A researcher from Canada decided to determine the impact of exposure of toddlers to writing with reading or other form of letters and words teaching on the reading skills in third grade. She consequently followed 168 children from families of middle and upper classes in the Ottawa area, Ontario, for five years. The researcher came to the conclusion that exposure at an early age to various printed material contributed to the development of better reading skills in the third grade. The association between parental education and reading performance is a lot less clear. Nevertheless, there is probably a key element in kids success in learning reading which is an awareness of phonology, which can be stimulated by punctuating on reading rhymes and poetry.

London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down,
Falling down.London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady

"The study also shows how important it is to expose young children to language, especially rhymes, songs and poems. Educational plans where parents and children listen to simple songs and rhymes should therefore be favored. One of the biggest challenge in helping families, especially poor families, is the integration of reading in an every day basis among preschool children. For many parents, buying books is not an option. On the other hand, many parents feel uneasy to go to the library. More research needs to be done on this subject, in order to develop more programs to include families of all socioeconomic levels in reading and writing, an important element of early childhood.

Forming educators is paying off

Because many children spend most of their day in day cares, researchers have also begun to examine the impact of interactions between the educators and the children on language development. This is why, with no surprise, researchers found that when teachers responded better to children efforts of communicating, encouraged conversation among peers and helped the children to express their ideas and expand their vocabulary by suggesting them new words and concepts, those children developed better communication and language skills. A second Canadian study showed that children benefit when their teachers have been trained to provide language interactions of better quality. When children interact with teachers that were trained to use more combination of words, they tend to speak more often with their peers.

This research correlates with what many have observed. It illustrates the difference such a training can make. Moreover, the training has not created new and costly requirements for educators nor it resulted in additional work for them. The training only necessitated to increase their level of awareness. By making minor changes in their interactions with kids, educators can make so great impact on children's language. We only need to improve the quality of interaction between the kids and the educators.

Finding a good daycare provider.

Everyone has heard the horror stories of child abuse at the hands of an au pair or other type daycare provider. You don't want your children to become victims. You can take measures to ensure, to the best of your ability, that this doesn't happen.

There are many, many considerations you will need to weigh heavily before you deposit your child in the hands of a stranger. Below are some issues you'll want to deliberate on when selecting a daycare provider:

* Will you hire someone to come in and watch your children, or will you take your kids to a daycare provider? Regardless, you'll need to make sure that the daycare provider is citizen or that the daycare provider has legal papers to work in your country.
* If taking your children to a daycare center or provider, do you want the location to be near where you live or where you work?
* Is it important to you to have your child around a lot of other children or just a few?
* Make a list of your preferences.
* Ask neighbors, friends and family members if they know of a good provider.
* Call Childcare Aware Hotline at (800) 424-2246(IF YOU ARE LIVNG I USA) to find a local provider network near you. The local provider network will refer you to local registered or licensed daycare providers.
* Once you have decided where you want your daycare provider located (near home or work), decide on three providers to research. Prioritize your list from one to three based on the limited information you have about the providers.
* If considering an in-home daycare:
* How old is the daycare provider? Sometimes it works out better for you if the daycare provider is around your own age. You may have more in common and have a better rapport with someone who is closer to your own age.
* Check the ages of the children in the daycare. It is typically a more conducive environment for your child if there are other children your own child's age.
* Talk to the daycare provider and obtain the following information:* At least three references of parents who have used the daycare for over a year.
* Find out if you can you drop by unannounced at anytime. If not, ditch the daycare. If so, visit several times unannounced at different periods over several weeks' time - e.g., during after snack time, during lunch, during naptime. Make sure one of your visits is when parents are dropping off their children, so you can talk to the parents. Ask them why they use the center and how satisfied they are with the care provided.
* Tour the daycare center. Is there a play area outside with play equipment? Is there also a designated play area inside? Is there a separate area for the babies as opposed to the older children? Several baby beds? Is there a separate quiet nap area for the older children? Mats for napping?
* Ask about learning activities for your child's age. Request the weekly agenda of activities and menu for meals. Make sure you visit during one of these events and meals.
* Does your child have any special needs? If so, make sure the provider is able to accommodate them.
* Is the daycare provider licensed? If the state in which you live requires licensing, then do your homework and check with the state to see if the daycare provider is licensed. Also, ask if there are any noted problems with the daycare. There are typically some exceptions to the day care licensing laws - e.g., two or less children 20 hours or less a week, providing care for relatives.
* Is the daycare provider insured? You'll want to ask for a copy of their insurance of certificate, and call their insurance provider to make sure it is currently in force.
* Also, do a search on the Internet for any positive or negative information on the daycare center and its director. It is possible you may find something.
* There are childcare associations that require accountability that you may want to inquire of like the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) or the National Association of Family Child Care (NAFCC). If your daycare provider is a member, you are fortunate.(check for your country ) .You can't cover all the bases. You can, however, do your due diligence to find the most qualified daycare provider possible for your child. Once you've done your part, decide on the daycare provider that meets most, if not all, of your expectations. It doesn't end there. Remember to drop in unannounced occasionally throughout the timeframe your child is being cared for in the daycare. If you find consistent care, this will ensure your confidence that the daycare provider you chose is the right one.

How To Conceive A Boy - Tips For Having A Son Using Natural Gender Selection Methods

If you would like to know how to conceive a boy there are various pro-active steps you can take to maximize your chances of having a son.

Firstly, it is important to understand that many more couples than we realize would like to choose the gender of their children but only a small fraction of these actually do anything about it. However, there is evidence to suggest that some methods have a 95% success rate and are certainly worth considering. I guess that even if the outcome was not as you had hoped, you would feel that at least you had tried everything possible and would not feel as if you could have done more.

The best methods to help you learn how to conceive a boy are those which take a multifaceted approach rather than hoping that just one system, will help. For example, it is known that diet, timing of intercourse, the position of intercourse and the ph levels of the vagina all have an influence on which sex of child is conceived. It therefore makes complete sense to shun any methods which just concentrate on one aspect and also to avoid any which are not based on scientific facts, but hearsay and old wives tales!

One important element of natural gender selection is the behavior of sperm. Male sperm is much faster moving than its female counterpart. However, it is less robust and does not live as long. Using this knowledge to our advantage, if we have intercourse as near to the time of ovulation as possible, the fast male sperm are more likely to reach the egg first. Having intercourse a couple of days before ovulation makes the conception of a girl more likely as by the time the egg is released, the male sperm will have perished. To determine the timing of ovulation, an ovulation kit is extremely useful.

Other tips for having a son include having intercourse in positions which favor deep penetration, as the area around the cervix is more supportive of male sperm.If you would like to see tried-and-tested methods which will help you to have your son, there is an excellent guide which is based on scientific rather than anecdotal principles. It includes dietary information and the exact gender clinic douche recipe which normally retails at $450. In addition, you can also subscribe to a completely free newsletter which gives hints and tips on natural gender selection.

How To Improve Your Child’s Study Skills By Discovering Their Learning Style

Parents, if your child is struggling in school, or even in just one class, this does not mean that your child is not extremely intelligent. Everyone is different. Each person has different opinions, tastes, and motivations. As a result, not everyone learns in the same style.

Techniques for studying that work wonders for one student, may be completely ineffective with another student. This does not mean that one student is necessarily smarter than another, merely that each student learns differently. It is critical that instructors, parents, and tutors know the learning style of their students in order to maximize a student’s understanding of the material being covered. Otherwise, a very bright intelligent student may get discouraged and lose motivation to succeed in school, simply because the information is not being presented to them in the most effective manner.

Unfortunately, due to large classroom sizes, overworked instructors, and overworked parents it has become very difficult to reach every student effectively in a classroom type setting. Since many instructors also have one learning style that they are most familiar with, they tend to teach towards that style and inadvertently miss students with other learning styles. That is why it is so important for parents, tutors, and the students themselves to know the learning style of their children so they can help the student achieve academic success.

There are four distinct learning styles. Some students fit neatly into one category and some students may process information in a variety of ways. There is no ‘better or worse’ learning style, just different styles.

The Visual / Verbal Learning Style

Students with this learning style learn when information is presented visually and in a written language format. Instructors who use a blackboard, overhead, or presentation to emphasize and outline their lessons are most effective at reaching these students. Additionally, these students can benefit greatly from textbooks and notes. The best way to study for these individuals is usually alone in a quiet room where they can visualize the information in their “mind’s eye” to remember the lesson.

The Visual / Nonverbal Learning Style

Students with this learning style learn when information is presented visually and in a picture or design format. Instructors who use visual aids (film, video, maps, charts, diagrams, etc) are most effective at reaching these students. These students tend to benefit from pictures and diagrams in textbooks. The best way to study for these individuals is usually alone in a quiet room where they can visualize a picture of the lesson in their mind.

The Tactile / Kinesthetic Learning Style

Students with this learning style learn when they have to actively participate in the lesson. Instructors who incorporate in-class demonstrations, “hands on” student learning experiences, and field work outside of the classroom tend to be most effective at reaching these students. Physically engaging in “hands on” activity tends to be the best way for these students to learn the material.

The Auditory / Verbal Learning Style

Students with this learning style learn when information is presented in an auditory fashion such as an oral presentation. Instructors who utilize lecture time and encourage group discussions are the most effective at reaching these students. The best way to study for these individuals is by listening to recorded audio tapes or by interacting with others in a listening/speaking exchange so that the material can be remembered by ‘hearing’ the way someone told the information out loud.

Students who are struggling in school can usually benefit from one-on-one personal help with someone who understands their learning style and will tailor their teaching style to the students needs. With one-on-one teaching an instructor, parent, or tutor can easily modify their lesson to suit the needs of that individual child, which is nearly impossible to do in a large classroom setting. Once a child’s learning style is discovered, that child can easily achieve academic success, raising their motivation and confidence in themselves.